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  • Writer's pictureVictoria Hewett

Mrs Humanities

Introductions have never been my strong point. I usually forget to say my name or stutter when asked what I teach… why I don’t know. Online I can give all that a miss.

Like all good teachers I have learning objectives for this blog. Ha.

1// To share interesting and relevant articles, webpages, videos etc. to support the teaching of the Humanities including Geography, History, Citizenship, RE and Values.

2 // To provide links to relevant sites for further reading on topics.

3// To provide teaching resources for others to use in the teaching of Humanities subjects.

Often you will find I share my opinion of issues, this is solely my opinion and is not shared to cause offence. I will always offer links that provide research, evidence and information for both sides of any debates to enable readers to make up their own mind.  I am happy for readers to share their opinions but please remember that young people may read these pages and I wish for them to remain safe from inappropriate comments.

If you have any feedback or suggestions then please feel free to share.

I look forward to this learning adventure.


Mrs Humanities
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