Built on Community
A little thanks for a big community.

Mrs Humanities started life as a reflective blog in 2015. Later that year I joined Twitter, where I met an incredible array of educators. Slowly, as I interacted and shared, my following grew and before I knew it, I was part of an inspiring education community.
In time, opportunities opened up. I presented at conferences, delivered workshops and even undertook a few interviews with the media. Eventually I was invited to write a book proposal for Routledge, which resulted in the creation of 'Making it as a Teacher; How to survive and thrive in the first five years'. I wouldn't have been able to do any of the above without the incredible support from the education community. Thank you to everyone that has been a part of my Mrs Humanities journey thus far. I am so incredibly grateful.
However, it is not the end. After a much-needed break, Mrs Humanities is back with even greater aspirations to support the education community.