After using this this resource The Rainfall Spinner , I’ve decided I need to find other uses for the ‘insert topic’ spinner.
I used the rainfall spinner as part of an observed lesson; it went down well, meeting the desired ‘active learning’ requirements deemed essential in our school. Very positive feedback 🙂 from both the observer and the kids.
Here are just 2 examples of the fantastic work produced by year 8 that went on display in the classroom (sorry for the poor photography, it’s not a strong point of mine).
Recently I was really pleased to find that my spinner idea had inspired others,
Check out these fantastic Energy Spinners from @misstait_85. Brilliant idea.
I can definitely see the potential for using spinners in other topics within Humanities and across the other subjects.
Now I’m plotting where to use them next…. perhaps year 7 for comparing natural hazards next term.
Suggestions welcomed!