This is a really simple idea. A way for students to share ideas and gain inspiration.
Simply print out the sheet, students then collect information and ideas from their peers.

Here’s an example of how I’ve used it recently- one year group created infographics about China’s One Child Policy for homework which they were going to use towards their end of topic project. It felt too long before they would make use of their hard work so to make the most of the resource immediately, students had 15 minutes to read and collect further information from their peers work.
I’ve also used Learning Swag Bags for idea sharing, whereby students could wander the room and fill their bag with good ideas from their peers. It a particularly useful strategy for students that find it difficult to plan an extended piece of writing or struggle to find inspiration from within – the opportunity to see what others are doing has always proven useful.
You can download the sheet The Learning Swag Bag
Hope you like it.
