Inspired by Greg Thornton’s post on How do we revise for history? which I recommended in my post on Mrs Humanities shares… 5 Epic History Revision Resources I decided to make a resource for my Geography students.
I’ve taken a slightly different approach, giving a range of approaches to revision but thought it might be useful for others as well.
At the bottom of the page you can download a version for GCSE and IB Geography.

Each idea or method has a link or two offered with it that will allow students to access apps or resources to support them.
To download a PDF version for GCSE click the image below.

To download a PDF version for IB Geography click the image below
I’ve also added a generic editable version on TES here – https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/how-to-revise-in-insert-subject-guidance-sheet-11852796
Hope you find and your students find it of use.
