Personally I think it’s important for students to reflect on their learning journey over the year. By the end they often forget what they covered at the beginning. They’ve forgotten how they felt and how much they didn’t know. It’s nice for them to recognise how far they’ve come over the year.
These are a few strategies I use or have used in the past.
1 // Adventures in…
A really simple strategy but very much enjoyable for all. Simply students write a blurb for a book entitled ‘Adventures in…’. Students consider where their learning took them and make it sound adventurous.
2 // Knowledge Scale
The questions you ask are completely up to you. I like to ask the students where they place themselves at the start of a topic and then at the end. Works well for the end of year as well to get them to reflect on their development of knowledge over the year and how confident they are that they will remember it next year as well.
3 // Tell me more…
With this one student’s simply consider what they would have liked to have learnt more about, how a topic could have been improved and if there was anything they felt was missed out of a topic that they would have liked to have covered. A great one for if you want student voice in the development of the curriculum.
4 // Progress Meter
Print out a meter diagram for students self-assess their progress over the year. Encourage students to look through their books to identify where they struggled to start with and where they are now with those particular skills. Often my students don’t realise how far they’ve come until they take the time to think about it.
5 // What helped you the most?
I think it’s important for students to understand how they learn and to recognise strategies that help them to progress. Encourage students to reflect on ways in which you have helped and supported them through the year with any struggles the have come across and the strategies implemented to help them overcome these. This information can then be passed on to the next teacher to take them.
How do you get students to reflect on the year? Let us know.