Okay so this is something new I’m trying a new monthly feature on things that stand out to me. This could be anything from teachers to follow on twitter, interesting pedagogical practices, recently shared resources, news stories etc. Suggestions welcomed.
I’m starting with 10 Geography Teachers to follow on Twitter, these are people I regularly interact with, follow links posted or magpie ideas from. There are many more I could add but I really can’t spend all day writing a post. So in NO particular order.
Geographer & Author of 100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers: Outstanding Geography Lessons.
Can often be found causing a stir, shares a great deal of insightful articles, links and resources for the everyday teacher and/or geographer. Writes about geography, pedagogy and wellbeing at http://www.davidrogers.blog/.
Head of Geography Regularly shares great teaching practice for the geographer and general teacher alike. A particular stand out example has to be IDEAL. Check it out here. Hoping she might write a guest post for us all soon (hint, hint).
Head of Geography Set up the AQA teacher schoology collective; a huge amount of resources have been shared widely as a result. Regularly shares geographical articles and the occasional resource. Shares good practice at http://www.geobytes.org.uk/.
Head of Geography Shares teaching and learning ideas, information and topical debates. Has many insightful posts on his site https://teachreal.wordpress.com/
Subject Lead for Geography and Subject Lead for Ethics & Philosophy. Shares a wide variety of resources, pedagogical practice and articles related to geography and the humanities. Paul has recently written a guest post on differentiation, check it out.
Head of Humanities, main subject Geography. Shares some excellent resources, most of which are freely available on TES. Provides lots of inspiration for creative teaching techniques.
Head of Geography. Kate has shared lots of good practice and ideas for teaching Geography.
Head of Geography You would have probably come across Matt’s site at one time or another – http://www.geographypods.com/. I use it regularly now that I teach the International Baccalaureate. Whilst a bit quieter on the old twitter front these days (mastering the work/life balance I hope) but still shares a range of great ideas, articles and links.
Geography Teacher Hanna wrote the first guest post on the site on how she’s combined approaches from both myself and @P Logue. She regularly shares teaching ideas and articles, both relevant for the geographer and general teacher alike with a bit of wellbeing thrown in.
Author of http://livinggeography.blogspot.co.uk/ Alan is a very experienced teacher and Geographer. He shares a wide range of articles, links and research. He’s a wealth of knowledge and an active member of the geographical community.
This list could go on for a lot longer, unfortunately I do not have the time to continue it now but might add to it as time goes on.
Please feel free to share any particular recommendations you have for geographers to follow on twitter in the comments.